The Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment plan covers you 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world, for specified accidental losses occurring on or off the job. If you suffer any of the losses listed in the Schedule of Losses section of the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN BOOKLET as the result of an accidental injury which results directly and independently of all other causes and the loss occurs within 365 days of the date of the accident, the benefits indicated in the Booklet will be paid.
Who is covered?
I: All Eligible Active Members under Age 65
II: Self-Paying Members Aged 60-64
III: All Eligible Members Aged 65-69
IV: All Eligible Members Aged 70+
Amount of Coverage
I: $100,00.00.
II: $50,000,00.
III: $10,000.00.
IV: $5,000.00.
For more information about Accidental Death and Dismemberment please refer to this section of the HEALTH BENEFIT PLAN BOOKLET